You know you’re feeling cranky these days but you’re not quite certainly why. Well, you did feel left out earlier today when no one bothered to bring you into the meeting discussion at the office and that was aggravating. Last night your daughter seemed irritated with you when you asked her to turn the tv […]
Subtle changes in your ability to hear sounds can be difficult to recognize because of how gradually hearing loss normally advances. Although children are frequently tested, most adults don’t even think about scheduling a hearing exam like they would their vision. You wouldn’t ignore a decline in your eyesight, so why wouldn’t you keep an […]
Have you ever left your Earbuds in your pocket and they ended up going through the laundry or maybe lost them altogether? Now it’s so boring going for a walk in the morning. Your commute or bus ride is dreary and dull. And the sound quality of your virtual meetings suffers considerably. The old saying […]
Hearing loss has a reputation for advancing gradually. This can make the symptoms easy to miss. (After all, you’re simply turning up the volume on your television once in a while, it’s nothing to be concerned about, right?) In some cases that’s true but often, it isn’t. Sometimes, hearing loss can occur suddenly without any […]
The majority of individuals who wear hearing aids are happy with their results: Based upon one recent survey, when speaking one-on-one, 91% of individuals who wear hearing aids are happy with their results. When speaking about particular activities, 85% were satisfied in a group environment and watching TV, 78% while shopping, and 75% in a […]
As your body ages, it’s not hard to detect the changes. You develop wrinkles. You begin to lose your hair or it turns grey. Your joints begin to stiffen. Some drooping of the skin begins to take place in certain places. Perhaps you start to notice some fading of your eyesight and hearing. These indicators […]
Determining hearing loss is more technical than it may at first seem. You can most likely hear certain things clearly at lower volumes but not others. You may confuse particular letters like “S” or “B”, but hear other letters just fine at any volume. It will become more obvious why you notice inconsistencies with your […]
Isn’t pizza fascinating? You can adjust the toppings, sauces, even the cheeses involved, but as long as it meets a few general factors, it’s still a pizza. Hearing loss is a lot like that. But as long as you have difficulty hearing sound, it’s still hearing loss whether it’s caused by genetic factors, age, obstructions, […]
Cognitive decline and hearing loss, what’s the connection? Brain health and hearing loss have a link which medical science is starting to comprehend. It was discovered that even minor neglected hearing loss raises your risk of developing cognitive decline. These two seemingly unrelated health conditions may have a pathological connection. So, how does loss of […]
Tinnitus tends to get worse at night for most of the millions of individuals in the US that experience it. But what’s the reason for this? The buzzing or ringing in one or both ears isn’t a real noise but a complication of a medical problem like hearing loss, either lasting or temporary. But none […]